Sheila-Na-Gig Inc.

A poetry journal & small press

Benjamin Goluboff

Benjamin Goluboff teaches English at Lake Forest College. In addition to some scholarly publications, he has placed imaginative work — poetry, fiction, and essays — in many small-press journals, recently Unbroken, Bird’s Thumb, and War Literature and the Arts. He is the author of Ho Chi Minh: A Speculative Life in Verse, and Other Poems (Urban Farmhouse Press, 2017). Some of his work can be read at

Chicago Corners

Ashland and Webster

Kids smoking weed
in the portico of a shuttered nightclub:
Green Dolphin Street.

Foster and Kenmore

The bass-line loud from a low-rider
makes strange harmony
with the music of the ice cream truck.

Lawrence and the River

End of the day and thunderheads to the north,
a woman puts padlock and chain
around the gates to the community garden.

Kedzie and Humboldt

People in wheelchairs line up
on the sidewalk by the clinic.
Someone’s bumping T. Swift’s “Shake it Off.”

Milwaukee and Waveland

Sundown kindles the bricks
of the high school assembly building.
Maybe this is what you came for.

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