Sheila-Na-Gig Inc.

A poetry journal & small press

Hayley Mitchell Haugen, Founding Editor-in-Chief


Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Sheila-Na-Gig online, Hayley Mitchell Haugen holds a Ph.D. in 20th Century American Literature from Ohio University and an MFA in poetry from the University of Washington. She is currently Professor of English at Ohio University Southern, where she teaches courses in composition, American literature, and creative writing. Her poetry chapbook What the Grimm Girl Looks Forward To appears from Finishing Line Press (2016), and her full-length collection Light & Shadow, Shadow & Light is from Main Street Rag Publishing Company (2018). Her chapbook, The Blue Wife Poems was published by Kelsay books in 2022. Her poems have appeared in Rattle, Slant, Spillway, Chiron Review, and many other journals in print and online. Her critical work appears in various journals and in the anthologies The Body in Medical Culture; On the Literary Nonfiction of Nancy Mairs; Stephen King’s Contemporary Classics: Reflections on the Modern Master of Horror; The Modern Stephen King Canon: Beyond Horror; The Many Lives of It: Essays on the Stephen King Horror Franchise; and The Disfigured Face in American Literature, Film, and Television.

Chapbook: $17.00

The Blue Wife Poems The Blue Wife Poems

Kelsay Books, 2022

Limited quantity — Order signed copies from me

Order from Kelsay:

Blue Wife in the kitchen

only threw meat that one time
when the burgers burnt so badly
their black edges crumbled,
as gritty as tile grout. The smoke

alarm wailing, the toddler screeching,
she smashed the blue Fiestaware
on the countertop, sent those
over-grilled bastards rolling

across the stove. “God damn cooking,”
she cried, hurtling a charred disc
past her husband’s quiet shudder
in the dining room. She crumpled,

then, amongst the weight
of her ordinary domesticity:
the meal planning, the grocery shopping,
the cooking, the cleaning.

I hate those women, she thought,
the ones who make it look so easy,
who adore their Instant Pots and pin
recipes to their browser tabs, the ones

who don’t wilt a little every time
a child asks, “What’s for dinner?”
Her woes spilled over like last week’s
chili as the sun set beyond her kitchen

curtains. She hoped her family
might offer some comfort, a release
from her anxiety, but she knew
they looked on and saw only
her foolishness, knew

she would still have to feed them.

(From The Blue Wife Poems, Kelsay books, 2022)

Full Collection: $14.00

Light & Shadow, Shadow & Light
Main Street Rag Publishing Company, 2018

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Hannah Among the Graves

(From Light & Shadow, Shadow & Light)
(for Charles Kerns 8.9.1944 #931)

Hannah is a picture amongst the graves,
her long hair whipping about in a wonder
of dark curls, spring rain unpredictable as madness.
She scans the rows of headstones, searching
for her great grandfather who retains his past,
his name, among the nameless dead of the asylum.

Two-thousand dead at the Athens Asylum
for the Insane, and their numbered graves
tip and slide into corrosion, sink into the past.
19, 84, 930: few remember, or visit, or wonder –
each number a page in the landscape’s story, searching
for its reader, its interpreter of madness.

And what of madness?
Hannah seeks the secrets of the asylum:
intemperance could have set his loved ones searching
for assistance; or perhaps he was just mean and grave
or rakish, as her family has often wondered –
they were too young when he died to recall his past.

But from the dark eyes of the attic windows, the past
looms, spreading shadows that can drive one to madness.
How can she not think of him, how can she not wonder
about those days before Thorazine, the horrors of the asylum,
electric shock and lobotomies sending men to early graves
while the locals lunched on the hospital grounds, searching

for stones to skim across blue lakes. This search
for meaning haunts her family for generations past,
so they take up a collection, add his name to the grave-
but this, they know, is no cure for madness.
Does his ghost remain tethered to the asylum –
just one of many reported to roam in wonderment

at their own losses? Do they watch in silent wonder
at our modern advances? How Hannah finds herself, searching
for hereditary secrets etched in the records of the asylum:
For a glimpse of her future, she unearths her past,
whether she find, love, or pain, or madness.
So hard to stifle that chill at these graves

as she wonders if the madness will strike her.
She searches the past: is there a warning in the DNA
engraved on the tomb of her heart – or asylum?

Chapbook: $14.00

What the Grimm Girl Looks Forward To, Finishing Line Press, 2016.

Purchase from Finishing Line Press:


(from What the Grimm Girl Looks Forward To)

In Vegas, my friends nickname
me Haywire, and take pictures
of me at that crazy slot machine
of the same name, the white flash
bouncing off so many other swirling,
noisy lights. I am winning here,
matching up fruit and brass and
dynamite on five crisscrossing
lines, so that ten, twenty, sixty
silver dollars spit jingling into
my lap, and my screen rolls off
into free unexpected spins that
earn me more and more. Like a true
gambler, I exclaim that I am reigning
queen of this machine, that I am
in complete control. Later, when
I return home, I find that my body
has turned against me; the excitement
and alcohol, the unforgiving Vegas
sun was too much. For weeks I stumble
through this house with aching joints,
a circus ringing in my ears, my periods
too frequent, marking up my calendar
like a Keno board. Everything is out
of order, haywire; I can’t make any
of the right connections. I awake
delirious with bells and cherries in
my eyes, but can’t seem to get anything
easy or free. Had I known this would
happen, I would have kept one of those
silver dollars with Aladdin’s curving
lamp embossed on the back, one that
had come spitting out, all cockeyed
and haywire. I’d rub the lamp, get back
on track, conjure up that spinning,
winning feeling of complete control.
But of course I cashed all those coins
in, traded in my charms and tokens
for the real thing, when as a true
gambler, a true patient what I need
is that reminder that there is no
control, that life is in that lamp,
so much wishful thinking.

Links to Haugen’s poems available online:


Translated into Spanish by Ximena Gomez in Alastor Volume 17, January 10, 2023.


Writing in a Woman’s Voice, October  2022.

Writing in a Woman’s Voice,  October 2022

Writing in a Woman’s Voice, November 2022.

The Red Ogre Review/Primeval Monster. May 10, 2022.


The Lake, September, 2021 (United Kingdom):

Scarbrough, Mark. Review of  “Would You Please Stop Whistling, Please” on the podcast Lyric Life, Episode 82, August 6, 2021:  https://player.captivate.fm969769b5-93b6-45eb-85c6-          6f1be518e2d7?fbclid=IwAR04xup1ExZwldhnB2UXHpUtS40jDmcgGywaueltQEhrf9ZPFt FyHLdm3CQ

Better Than Starbucks, August, 2021:

Nerve Cowboy, #48, Summer 2021. This is a print journal, but the editors pulled this poem to feature on their website:

Gyroscope 21:3, Summer 2021:

The Ekphrastic Review, April 2021:

Anti-Heroin Chic, February 2021

The Women Inc. January 19, 2021.


New Verse News, Saturday October 3, 2020:

SWWIM, September 18, 2020 Poem of the Day:

Verse-Virtual, August, 2020:

Writing in a Women’s Voice, January 8, 2020:


Writing in a Woman’s Voice, November 9, 2019:

Writing in a Woman’s Voice, November 10, 2019:

Verse-Virtual, September 2019:, Volume 28, Fall 2019:

The Rockvale Review, May 2019:

The Ekphrastic Review, February 2019:

The Ekphrastic Review, January 2019:


Every Pigeon, December 2018: 


Poetry Pacific autumn issue, 2018:


Breath and Shadow: A Journal of Disability Culture and Literature, vol. 13, no. 3, Summer 2016.

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