Sheila-Na-Gig Inc.

A poetry journal & small press

Roger Pfingston

rogerpfingston.jpgA retired teacher of English and photography, Roger Pfingston is the recipient of a Creative Writing Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts and two PEN Syndicated Fiction Awards. Poems have appeared in recent issues of Poet Lore, American Journal of Poetry, Hamilton Stone Review, Innisfree Poetry Journal and Poetry East. New poems will appear in the fall issue of I-70 Review. A chapbook, A Day Marked for Telling, is available from Finishing Line Press.

Sandhill Cranes

It’s their talk, barely heard,
that stops me–my tracks
etched in yesterday’s snow–
craning to spot the migratory
flock, a burbling mass
hovering thousands of feet
in a sky so vastly bright
and blue it’s hard to see
the slow turn of their
correction, a few like
threads tearing loose
before sewing themselves
back in place, their course
straight and true as I
continue, my direction
more notion than instinct,
my old neck hurting now,
remembering how my dad
at 86 passed out once,
looking up at something
he thought worth it
at the time.

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